So I just finished Jennifer's Body, according to the film Camille is both a teenage movie, a horror film and a comedy (and she was not wrong) and frankly I had a right time.
But that from the outset, we say that thanks to Diablo Cody, screenwriter and executive producer of the movie directed by Karyn some something ... Shortly thee, the important thing is Diablo, which is also the mother of Juno and Uniiiiited States of Tara! So I do not know if it is shattered, lesbian goth and his last film, but ouch what. Really good ^ ^
Already, the music is serious. It's nice to hear good rock like that and not the music cheesy romantic comedies ... yes well, it's not a romantic comedy either. Still a rotten music there has one, is that the group Low Shoulder (invented for the purpose of the film so) but I think it's done on purpose. And that Ms. Cody likes to make fun of pop bands that break rocks in the United States and cling like boils.
Apart from music, we immediately note two positive elements: Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox. Yes I know I should put Megan Fox in first because it is really the most striking (the girl she walks around with projos pointed at her, and I'm sure that even in real life when she walks there's music), but Amanda Seyfried (aka Lily Kane in Veronica Mars and ... Sophie? in Mamma Mia!) is one, narrator of this story and bloody, 2, the first of two that match. In a mental asylum. I must admit I was a little confused. Megan Fox was not the wicked?
Turns out that the film begins with the end and that, bim bam boom, here we are again back a few weeks back to find Needy (what nickname, damn, that must not be easy to wear and yet ... she has not seem to realize it) and Jennifer (the famous), best friends since very small even if one is a hottie walking and other ben ... a big geek who squints whining ALL THE TIME. Well, I love Amanda Seyfried and the whole movie I tried to understand his pain, but once or twice I still wanted to fuck him a pie across the face. Must say she whines a lot. Surely the person who wants it.
short, always from the beginning, we realize that it will not be THE movie of the century and just one of those that are perfect for evenings with friends PYJ (in the list, there is also Charlie's Angels, Miss Congeniality and Sister Act). Yet it is important to note, you are immediately dazzled, then me anyway. No, not because of Megan Fox, but just from the way it is presented: Needy galley with his glasses and his little cuckoos shy, Jennifer appears on the e ; idle screen shaking his flags cheerleader. No, but frankly, with such a title, just wait to see Jennifer! And its debut is serious, so all good.
As the entire film, actually. Everything is visually scary and beautiful at the same time limit, the scenes are vivid, and some dialogs to enter the annals (I exploded laughing when Jennifer comes down and says: "I just got 'Aquamarina one DVD, it's about this girl who's like half sushi ... ") and how they are sometimes brought perfectly (I love the " I Go Both Ways " -which is probably reflected in VF-PourRite and what follows) we have, yet in a short film, although the secondary characters ... I would not be interesting but ... Colourful! and some hate but that's Diablo Cody, she is balèze for it.
All this prevented me from seeing only one movie for teens, it is far from being tasteless, is still in its kind "Series B ironically"-quite mastered though. Yes because the group that landed Low Shoulder clueless in the city of Devil's Kettle (already paid your city name quiet) to find a virgin perform a demonic ritual in order to become wealthy ... énoooorme is a cliché. But honestly, sometimes there is nothing better. The singer who found her ritual on the Internet (going this affront to the credibility because, hey, it's a movie with monsters) but IN ADDITION think Jennifer, she is thrifty ; to wear only so little fabric, is a virgin ... but oh no, you got shit in their eyes, tell me? This girl has at least lost his virginity at age nine!
Needy, however ... is blank. Not for long it said. That's where her charming boyfriend Chip scene that I was quite horripilée throughout the film for two reasons: his name is Chip and he was cut by Paul McCartney. But it is nice and full all very brave, so it's got nothing to spoil the movie. It is like the tendency to Needy crying. In short, this dear Needy loses her virginity in a scene enough .... cool? Yeah, we can say it like that. Rather we say credible. Until, poor her, she finds herself psychically linked it is unclear how his best friend and hallucinates cannibal stuff dégueus. When she starts screaming, crying limit, and the other chip, he is busy concentrating, believes that these are cries of pleasure, hah ... I was bent double limit what. N'impooorte what, Chip. But hey, do not blame the men too xD
This brings us to bracket "sex" in my review. Yes because the film, which lasts half past one in overflows . Allusions, scenes (having said that, although explicit, we see nothing), big muddy jokes started by Jennifer and usually followed by a lifting eye in the sky so Needy ... And it's very funny. Not once I said "Go ahead, I'm sick of hearing about ass, and history in all this?" And then "Damn, they need it to sell their films? (No, they have Megan Fox!). The film genre (scary, confusing, full of cliches truths but also very fair, with two main topics are cannibalism and trends as vampire lesbians Amanda Seyfried) is that it can not decently be cool and well re ; Alisé weighs each scene without its share of hormones and sexual frustration. Yes, because that Megan Fox might well have called Miss Sexual Frustration. She touuuut always hungry! Literally speaking, of course, but let no one tell me that his way of butchering his people (or rather drink in their guts) has no sexual connotation.
Never mind, the film also has an (other) interest! History. While a bit basic: Tic and Tac are the best of friends, one is ugly the other bonnard. One night they go to a bar but a rock band a little too fan of Satan arrives, hypnotizes Tac thinking he is a virgin and led him into the woods to sacrifice him to Satan (but that, we did learn that later). No bowl, Tac is a sacred Chaupi-Rabbit finally technically squirrel. So, as we discovered vers la fin (et on se fiche de savoir si on trouve ça crédible ou pas, parce qu'à ce niveau du film, tout ce qu'on veut c'est voir Needy et Megan se tirer les cheveux en poussant les cris d'Amélie Mauresmo), si tu rates un rituel parce que ton sacrifice est impuuur, tu le transformes en démon. Pour toujours. Après tu peux le tuer que quand il est faible, donc quand il a pas beaucoup mangé. Tic découvre tout, d'autant que Tac est super bizarre et d'autant bis que Tac lui avoue tout. Eh, ça aide pour comprendre quand on est blonde xD Donc Tic se vénère et dit à Tac to stop eating people. But Tac is stubborn, and he also has superhuman strength. Never mind, Tic dreamed her dress the most ugly and going to the ball (my god that this was filmed when Needy see Jen think back when in fact it's just a dancer all PourRite xD) ... Tac has realized that after bloke! Quick, quick, quick! ... Too late! ... Wah, wah! ... I Will Kill You, bitch! ... No! ... Yes! ... * * Baston ... Finally we understand why Tic started the episode in a psychiatric hospital which is in fact-yes, yes, a prison (she was surprised killing Jen that nobody knew the serial killer as the Devil's Kettle) and then a little late.
History, yes, is fun and although not extraordinary when you look twice (even murky, for that matter), there is something really cool in this movie. And it's Needy and Jennifer.
They have a crazy relationship. I really love to follow their route, which begins when they are friends so close that the viewer wonders notified immediately if they are not a bit more than that and is right now a lot of attention to following. Yes because the repressed feelings, it is always interesting, even when it concerns two chicks. Especially since they are like, totally different. Genre North Pole and sub-Saharan jungle. Yet in being so opposed to each other, they still have this extremely close relationship, to hold hands, to look with shining eyes at be jealous guys ... each Obviously, all this can not be seen that only in looks and grudges and all that. They did not have time to drag on it in half past one!
I did not know that Jennifer began the film is quite normal, I thought she was a bloodthirsty killer from the start. So what was my surprise to see her climb into the van, knowing the "death" that awaited some! I had trouble, I must admit. All because of that damn group of shit! Ruin a friendship like that, but oh no! But that we has a few surprises ^ ^
For a long time, kills and Jennifer Needy questions, but we still feel that they are seeking. Or rather they try to understand, maintain the link, link strange indeed. Just after being possessed, Jennifer, pleiiine blood, seeking refuge. And where does she vomit three liters of blood? Needy in the kitchen of course! (How to break the myth Megan Fox ...) tirelessly Jennifer is returned to Needy. She goes to her (her empty fridge), even if it is covered with blood from head feet, she is dating (and kill) the guys that are cool ... Needy I say, it's not healthy. It is even very strange indeed. Especially since Needy has its flashes weird when she sees Jennifer feed on flesh. As if they were linked across the history of demon-thingy ... I j'dis, this story is a testimony to love, true xD ( Yeah, and that was a joke, true.)
(By the way, when Jennifer tumbling in the kitchen of Needy, at night, full of blood, west, and she began to smile in a predator with teeth full of blood glow in the dark is aaaaaaaargl ...! Scary. Love it. I also loved when his nails Needy shows full of blood to Jennifer that it beats the race. XD And I love Amanda Seyfried Megan. Oh yes, Megan. Even if you got a strangely large head in relation to your body.)
So all this pent-up tension between explooose Needy and Megan in a scene very ... let's see, how I could explain it ... Say it has enough to return the shirt of all hardened straight! Jennifer is hiding under the duvet Needy, he jumps out and starts ... let's see, how I could explain it ... he rolled a large shoe. To tell the truth, I jubilee, so I expected this scene! Needy and Jen what ^ ^ No, and then see Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox in two fingers to rise above it's pretty, well ... transcendent. I'd say "orgasmic" (my favorite word!) But one could misinterpret my words xD Anyway
Regardless, there is not really on the scene and the relationship of Needy and Jennifer continues in the carnage. They are shouting at each other, so Jennifer from hunting. Chip. Who drives it greedily a big skate, too! Ah bugger Chip, Megan Fox is sufficient to tell you lies and coos before you so that forgets thee thy sweetheart! Ok, understandable. But even, asshole!
Obviously Needy is during this time but suddenly the ball! it feels on his lips that Jennifer feels on his own, namely the lips of Chip. So Needy recognizes her boyfriend, and includes short to him to save the claws of the other crazy Jennifer! She runs around like Cinderella's carriage. At bottom. In tangled in her frilly. By breaking the mouth. Following the screams and opens into a disused swimming pool full of ivy and certainly not enlightened. It's giant. It's such a good cliché romantic destroyed at once horror and feminism.
In the pool, Jennifer has already bitten chip that emptied of its blood-and surprise - it can levitate. And, my god I laughed. Good already, is still covered Needy vomit interstellar Jennifer, plus she is soaked with her dress torn and everything, while the other, in her white dress stained blood (Kim Boggs, get out of this body!) plane. Unlikely, sure, but I loved it. And their shouting match ...! It's golden. "Needy: You're a jerk. JEN: Whoa, nice insult Hannah Montana. " And when Jennifer begins to piss blood for the flop (thank you Chip) and it Needy asks if she has not a tampon ... ralala. Again, unlikely. I have less risk than with the history of sushi girl half, but it was found.
Chip's death, I knew it would happen but not enthusiast, c'pas serious. However, well filmed and quite poignant. For once, Needy crying and she is right. It's sad. So she will get revenge by getting Jennifer to her house, hitting her on her bed (Hum. ..) and then hop, they levitate and bastonnent (thanks to Jennifer) and again, hmm. I am the only one to see the connotations? Not because it is Perhaps because it's a duo that I loved in indecision, lesbians / heterosexuals, friends forever / I'll stumble dirty whore. " That must be it, because in the end, Jennifer abandons the fight, as if we had pressed his button off and why? Because Needy snatched her necklace best friend for life. There followed a drop to idle Jennifer falling on his bed (eeeexcellent!) and lets limit pierced by a dagger. As if that was the only thing that kept her alive, his friendship with weird Needy, and all of a sudden it justifies everything she could do during the movie, including the murder of Colin and Chip.
For cons, the thing that is expected to: Jennifer's mother arrives in the room and falls on Needy, straddling the corpse of his daughter. We have almost forgotten that she had a Daron, Jennifer-the-devil! But in fact so. Hence the prison early.
In the end, we still learn something cool (because I would have liked to see Jennifer live longer, it lacked hair pulling xD-good, it is still pierce by post, m'enfin): Needy was bitten by Jennifer in their fight to death, once she has recovered some of her abilities (she levitates!) and escapes, gets caught in stop and go up against these jerks Low Shoulder. Oh yes, I loved it. Because I've really hated throughout the movie.
Come on, we will give a 7 / 10.
Ah and it should be noted that Kyle Gallner (Veronica Mars , Smallville ) and JK Simmons (Juno ) are also generic.
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