After an evening of Saturday night to the rhythm of Zouk nightclub in the closest to home "Ace" (renamed "ace kike" in light of the ole ole atmosphere of places) we decided to go green. And it left for the South: Diamond and Anse d'Arlet. We take great range of diamond and then have our picnic in the cove Caffard (not very happy as a noun, but great beach!), With the Lorraine's iconic drink!
From the point of view, large professional photography engage in lifelike montages with the Diamond Rock .. . :-)
Then a little trip to Anse d'Arlet, for wild parties "he or she" and "Motus" between girls (I suggest shawl, Shawl, beep bop bop beep bup) while the boys play Mitch Buckannon .. After sunset, we reach the bar Ti'sable restaurant where we enjoy a good pina colada awaiting the start of the concert Kafkons, a group well known and popular here. Times varied repertoire, the evening looks good, but Matos and I need to go home because we bossons the next day, and Matos begins to Bertrand (see photo, insiders will understand). Our guests for their stay there and whoop it up until the end of the night! To be continued ....
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