Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mpls Blood Bank For Cash

Friends one day, friends forever!

And ending with the clichés that trip Gers, photos 2, 3 or more! Thank you for coming friends, soon to Toulousissime!
Waah males, so damn cool! Special dedication to Joc!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Deskside Cardboard Recycling Containers

i Mawtinik the good! The Gers

little glimpse of the delights and beauties whose Martinique Gers enjoyed, for the fans!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Polyps In Gallbladder Female

in Martinique: portrait galleries! Bye bye

"Right off the game", and put you directly in the crazy atmosphere of the residence of friends and boyfriend in Martinique, some portraits sometimes drôlissimes somewhat kitchissime, even sexyssimes ... (mmm Isa and coconut, c is hot :-)

Hard lasts marche de la piscine!                                       
class game of post-it!